Natalie Sobieray | Natalie Sobieray Health Coach | My Story
A life that embodies holistic health has always been a part of me. I grew up in a home that taught me everyday to value the small things in order to create something WHOLE and FULFILLING.
health, wellbeing, nutrition, detox, fitness, weight management, holistic, hormonal balance, coaching, supplements, programs
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A Life That Embodies Holistic Health

A life that embodies holistic health has always been a part of me. I grew up in a home that taught me everyday to value the small things in order to create something WHOLE and FULFILLING.


It is never a sprint but a marathon.


Throughout college I pressured myself to be in a state of control. A life that demanded more stress, emotional discomfort, and lack of complete presence to just BE. I began to struggle with Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome symptoms, and at that time I felt like my life was over.


I thought about dropping out of school because I had no hope…


After hours of tears and days of frustration, something came across me one morning and I knew I could change this hormonal imbalance. I woke up and changed my mindset from dark and sad thoughts to empowerment and love for my body. I began to research every bit of what was happening internally and environmentally. My overall symptoms did not correlate with the diagnosis?! This syndrome did not run in my family so why was this happening to me?!


I reached out to an amazing online community and began to find answers to my questions. I made changes quickly and was astonished by how environmental factors and medication are detrimental to your body.

I stopped my birth control, acne ointment, and weaned of my thyroid medication that day! I honestly could not stop researching for months on end. My computer was filled with blogs, journals, and articles. I was intrigued.

I can heal my body with FOOD and SUPPLEMENTS.

It took a few years for me to just accept me for me. To let go of what I could not control. I began to SLOW down, follow my heart, and most importantly listen to my body.


Love it back.
How My Body Became More Wholesome

My wholesome living became more blissful, and there is now so much more ease to everything I do…

I lost that stubborn extra 10 pounds.

My skin cleared up.

My sleep is more peaceful.

My energy is steady.

And most importantly my menstrual cycle is on track, TO THE DAY!


After I graduated college, I moved home to save money and study at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). It was obvious that my heart was set to be apart of the health and wellness community. With a Bachelors of Applied Science from Colorado State University, I was only ready to move closer to a career of my dreams. IIN offered me an opportunity to not only help myself, but also learn how to create my own health and wellness business. As someone who knows first hand that the online community for health is comforting and helpful, I could not wait to share my story and help those who are seeking ways to create a healthy life.


I am here to teach and support you in all aspects of your life. Issues with hormonal balance, peaceful sleep, healthy diet, steady energy, clear mind, to home cooking, I have solutions to these issues and many more. This is all for you to fall in love with your body, and create a more wholesome way of living.


With Health & Happiness,

Nutrition Philosophy

Read more below about the main nutrition concepts I follow,
and what we will be exploring during our health coaching sessions.
Nutrition Philosophy

Nutrition Philosophy


It’s about letting go of what you cannot control, slowing down, following your heart, and most importantly listening to your body. Taking confusing health advice and making it simple, fun, and delicious! Food heals our body and with the right tools we can create a healthy lifestyle with nutrition and the energy in our lives.


Simple and straight forward,

A healthy diet is mostly made up of WHOLE FOODS.


Whole foods are what we buy or grow that does not have a nutrition label.

It is where our vitamins come from.

It is what offers the highest quality nutrients to our everyday diet.

It is about learning how to create a love for home cooking without stress or deprivation.

It is why we thrive in a busy, fast pace world with complex and misleading advice.

It is our blood, organs, tissues, skin, hair, thoughts and feelings.


Although, it is important to understand that nutrition is more than the food we find on our plates.


It is about balance between our diets and the energy in our lives.




Each person is unique in that their requirements for dietary needs vary in nutritional foods that will best support their health and lifestyle.


There is a no one-size-fits-all diet. One person’s food might be another person’s poison.

It is about trusting YOUR OWN body and allowing it to guide you to the foods that make you thrive.

Primary vs. Secondary Foods

Primary vs. Secondary Foods


Primary foods come from the energy in our lives. They are the nonfood sources of nourishment and are what really fuel us. Everyday life experiences, career, relationships, physical activity, to spirituality nourishes that mind-body connection, and makes what you eat to being secondary.


Secondary foods nourish our physical body. We need whole foods to fuel our cells for physical movement and mental well-being. Complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, organic fruits and vegetables, and lean meats will support us to feel whole, healthy and confident!


Integrative Nutrition Plate

Integrative Nutrition Plate


The Integrative Nutrition Plate emphasizes the importance of organic and local produce, whole grains, high-quality proteins, plant-based fats, and water. It is an intuitive representation of how a plate should appear at mealtime, and it emphasizes the importance of portion sizes. It also notes the importance of primary food – the other parts of our lives that feed us in a way that food cannot.


Prior to living in Denver, I lived in Fort Collins, Colorado and attented The Colorado State University for a B.A.Sc. in Merchandising Business Management. I then attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) becoming certified as a holistic health coach, and board certified as a health counselor through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP).

Colorado State University (CSU)
Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)
American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP)
My Passion. My Life.

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