10 Ways to Create A Sleeping Ritual
This past month sleep has been the recurring topic for healing with many of my clients and in personal life. Maybe it is the change in seasons and we dream of cozy naps when it is cold out, or because germs are taking over our immune system and sleep is priority.
A client of mine has been able to start feeling better by spending her days focusing on self-care with almost 16 hours of sleep (including naps). That might seem like a lot to you, or even too much.
But do you ever think that maybe you need the same?
Today more than ever people are being diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, thyroid disease, and hormonal imbalances. All of these illnesses need sleep as a big part of their healing. Many of us push ourselves without slowing down to rest and heal. Taking days off are okay and sleeping more than 7 hours is more than okay.
I have been calculating my sleep for the past few weeks. (As I sit here now and think a 20-minute nap sounds nice for afternoon rejuvenation, especially since someone is sleeping on my coach). I have come to realize that when I actually get 10 hours of sleep compared to 7-8, I feel way better during the day. The whole body affect it has includes everything from; better food choices and less cravings, better endurance during workouts, increased clarity to complete daily tasks, to MOST IMPORTANT… Being Happy.
When all of my health needs are met with quality nutrients, good workouts, accomplishing goals, happiness is a given.
The most precious healing for optimal health;
We need sleep and more of it. -NSHealth
10 Ways to Create A Sleeping Ritual
The book, Thrive by Arianna Huffington, is a novel I read last summer and still to this day take her advice to heart. Arianna knows what it is like to become critically sleep deprived. She writes about hitting rock bottom during her career and what she learned from that critical experience. Sleep deprivation and exhaustion became part of her daily life and she explains how that needed to change. Ms. Huffington believes that in order to create success with your business and truly with your self, you must
Sleep Your Way to the TOP.
Our creativity, ingenuity, confidence, leadership, and decision making can all be enhanced simply by getting enough sleep. -Arianna Huffington
Listed in her book are a few ways on how to create a sleeping ritual:
1. Plan ahead hourly
What time do I have to wake up? When should I be in bed by?
2. Have a transition period.
Get off your computer, phone, TV. Turn the lights down or off.
3. Take a hot bath or shower.
“Soak the day away…”
4. Make your room completely dark.
If you cannot, then use an eye mask.
5. Lower the temperature.
Crank the A/C or fan!
6. Have night ware
A way of telling your body its time for bed.
7. A good pillow.
We all love a good pillow.
8. Practice deep breathing.
Become grateful for that day.
9. Eliminate Caffeine and Alcohol.
Less coffee after 2pm and limit alcohol before bed.
10. When waking up, do not immediately go to your email.
Focus on yourself first. Coffee is always better without the worries of the day.
Health and Happiness,
Huffington, A. (2014). Sleep Your Way to the Top. In Thrive (No ed., pp. 74-87). New York: Harmony Books. Quote: pg 75.
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